Certified Massage and Personal Growth Therapist
I am a certified massage and personal growth therapist with over 25 years’ experience in effectively treating both physical and emotional needs.
Based on my comprehensive and holistic philosophy (treating the person and the body as a WHOLE, where body and mind are seen as connected, rather than as individual parts) I heal, guide and coach individuals towards greater well-being and becoming their best or Higher Self.
My massages are ALSO highly effective for clients who seek only physical improvement, stress relief and mental well-being and who are NOT necessarily on a path of inner search and self-realization.
All my treatments are unique and exclusive creations. Over two decades of healing clients with diverse needs from all over the world, I have developed a very personal approach based on deep, thorough, respectful and healing touch that attunes to, envelopes, comforts, restores and heals each person on a deep level. As every client is unique, I carefully adapt my therapies to each person to achieve the best and most lasting results for every client.
During each massage, I work meticulously on both the ENTIRE body AND specific points, in order to restore energy flow, balance and relaxation with preventive, curative, and lasting results.
Through massage and other “body, mind and soul” therapies, I help clients re-connect with their inner-selves, to open up, breathe, relax, expand consciousness and above all release difficult emotions and symptoms including anxiety, depression, fatigue, tensions and mental blocks in a safe and gentle way, helping clients experience relief from their discomfort whilst raising their self-esteem, well-being and inner sense of freedom and possibility

Certified massage and personal growth therapist.

I trained extensively in Paris, France, specializing in Therapeutic massage, Reiki and Conscious Breathing (Rebirthing). I have also trained in the United States (Deep Tissue Massage), and Spain (Ayurvedic massage and energy healing therapy of Access Bars Consciousness).
Massage is much more than a way to relax and treat ourselves. The ESSENCE of massage and its therapeutic benefits on the body, mind and spirit are endless.
The healing benefits of massage are important in our high-tech world because of our basic human need to be nurtured through touch. Touching and being touched is instinctual.
The simple act of placing the hands on the body can itself encourage a person to thrive. It makes you feel and perform better.
Massage is also a way through which we learn about ourselves. It increases our emotional awareness and furthers our knowledge of our body both physically and spiritually.
My hands-on treatments greatly improve and help maintain overall health and well-being when done regularly. Just some of the many benefits include:
- Relief from stiffness, pain, fascia and muscle tension; increased muscle tone
- Increased blood and lymph fluid circulation, draining and detoxifying the body.
- Reduced body volume, liquid retention and promotes weight loss
- Reduced stress and anxiety
- Improved sleep, increased breathing capacity
- Lowered blood pressure
- Boosting and improving the working of vital organs, digestive, nervous and immune systems and overall body function
- Positive effect on conditions such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, diabetes and migraine headaches
- Invigorating and rejuvenating the body
- Improved mood, intellectual reasoning and job performance
- Clearing the mind, raised self-esteem and awareness
- Helping with physical and mental tiredness / exhaustion
- Helping relieve symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress